Strongplast - recycled plastics
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What exactly is STRONGPLAST(heterogeneous plastmix plastic) ?

STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic)  is one of the results achieved  by companies specialized in the sorting and recycling of rubbish derived from multi-materials and mono-products.

Recycled STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic) profiles are the result.

Above, examples of  STRONGPLAST (heterogeneous plastmix plastic)  profile coloration.

Available in either a circular, rectangular or square cross-section.

STRONGPLAST profiles (posts, beams and boards etc.) can be carpentered just like wood.

The posts, beams and boards can be used in various areas, more precisely in all those outside applications where wood is usually employed.

This is possible, thanks to special physical and chemical characteristics that make them resistant to all adverse weather conditions and harsh environments.

Where necessary, STRONGPLAST posts can be structured with a reinforced galvanized steel framework; "structured" means that the galvanized steel framework is co-extruded, therefore it becomes an integral part of the plastic post, ensuring maximum durability and high resistance to all weather conditions.

The following products may be produced with  STRONGPLAST  (heterogeneous plastmix plastic) profiles :

Urban street furniture  (benches, flower boxes, fences etc.) designed for government agencies and private companies
Garden furniture (flower boxes, gazebo, trellis etc.)
Ecological “islands” (gathering points) for the storage of collected and sorted rubbish prior to recycling.
Playgrounds for children.
60-80%  of STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic)  is made up of plastic originating from the sorted collection of solid-urban wastes and  the remaining part,  from the addition of LDPE (low-density polyethylene), this also, coming from recycled plastic packaging materials.

The result is a 100% recycled product.

Every one kilogram contains approximately 20 plastic containers such as bottles, jugs, trays etc. and the equivalent of 70 plastic shopping bags.

STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic)  profiles are produced following specific procedures; a sorted waste selection, the grinding and extraction of mixed plastics with special low temperature machinery in order to obtain an excellent technical, aesthetical and long lasting quality profiles.

This material is guaranteed to last forever, maintenance fee, with the exception of periodical inspections for vandalism and or other violations.

Both the material and the way it is constructed offer the maximum strength and security.

STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic)  is one of the few materials resistant to corrosive chemical substances.

100% maintenance free, durable colouring and extreme stability are leading trademarks of  the products manufactured  with STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic).

Physical and chemical characteristics:

STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic), baring an absorption rate of 1,5% and a specific gravity of less than 1 (0,85 g/cm3), floats on water and will continue to float for an unlimited amount of time, whereas wood, having a higher absorption rate (around 29%), with time is destined to sink.

UV ray deterioration  in STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic) is insignificant:  less than 1mm every 100 years.

STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic) is also a very good electrical isolator and seeing it is sensitive to thermal alteration only above 50°C, it is also an excellent thermal isolator. Furthermore, thanks to its sound proof qualities, when it rains or hails, STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic) does not vibrate or create an echo of any type.

STRONGPLAST plastic (heterogeneous plastmix plastic) is 100% recyclable; it does not contain harmful substances and thus contributes to environmental protection.

It is highly resistance to bacteria, mold and also shockproof.

Release tests showed that the migration value complies with the Ministerial Decree  21/03/73, art.5 ,title n.1  and modifications.


Below, details regarding mechanical properties of the material:

FLOW VALUE INDEX  : MVI 230/2.16DIN 53735cm3/10 min1,3
YIELD STRESSIN 53455N / mm214,2
DIN 53455%20,7
FLEXIBILITY DIN 53457N/ mm2811
 DIN 53461°C50,6
 DIN 53461°C68,7
 -23 °CISO 179/1eA7,3 KJ/m2
 0ISO 179/1eA4,9 KJ/m2
 +30 °CISO 179/1eA3,7 KJ/m2

This material is coloured during the extrusion faze,  in order to obtain homogenous internal colouring. 

In consideration to the fact that the primary colour used during the pigmentation process is grey, the final colours obtained are very warm shades of greens, browns and light blues that all fit in well with the natural surrounding environment.

Legislation regarding the production of products derived from waste collection

Abstract from:

Legislative Decree 5 February 1997, No 22 “Implementation of Directive 91/156/EEC on waste, 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste and 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste”.

Official Gazette No. 180 of August 5, 2003 MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND LAND DECREE May 8, 2003, No. 203.
